Inorganic Chemistry - Ted Brown

Donald J Darensbourg, B. S., 1964, California State University at Los Angeles. Ph. D., 1968, University of Illinois at Urbana. Inorganic Chemistry. Research activities focus on synthetic, structural, and mechanistic studies aimed at a better understanding of important catalytic processes. Much attention is directed towards processes relevant to the utilization of carbon dioxide as a starting material for the synthesis of organic compounds, including polymers.

Donald writes: Thanks for your letter informing me of the Alpha Chi Sigma, Zeta Chapter website. Yes I'm the Donald Darensbourg you were wishing to contact. I graduated from UI in 1968 receiving my Ph.D. from Ted Brown. I've been married to another Ted Brown Ph.D student, Marcetta York, since 1967. Although we have no children we have 12 horses, 4 dogs and two cats, hence lots of responsibilities. We are both Professors of Chemistry at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. I really look forward to thoroughly reviewing the wonderful website you and Jack have put together. Many thanks for the effort.

Yours in the double bond,

UPDATE: Marcetta and I returned to Urbana to give the Bailar Lectures, as we were the Bailar Medalists for 2013. It was a great experience where Ted Brown (our advisor) and several classmates were in attendance. The Department is doing great and the town has really changed.


To learn more about Donald, visit his Texas A&M web site, or his other site. Visit his wife's Texas A&M web site also.

Donald J Darensbourg
Department of Chemistry
Texas A&M University
PO Box 300120
College Station, TX 77842-3012

Texas A&M Chemistry Department (979) 845-2011


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