Duane D

Undergraduate - Chemistry

While searching the Internet for Duane Dobry, I found a reference to the University of Winconsin Tolkien Society, listing a Duane Dobry as a member. In response to a request for information or an email address for Duane, I received the following:

Dear Mr. Gundersen:

I don't know if the Duane Dobry who was active in the University of Wisconsin Tolkien Society in the late 60's is the same person you are thinking of, or not. Duane earned his doctorate in, as I remember, either biochemistry or chemistry. He moved to Kalamazoo in about 1969 and worked for the Upjohn pharmaceutical company for many years. I attended his wedding in Kalamazoo, and I used to visit Duane and his wife, Peggy Jo, about once a year.

Alas, Duane died sometime toward the end of the 1970's or early 1980's. Going to his funeral, when he died so relatively young, was a deep sadness for me. Peggy Jo remarried a few years later, and I still see her and her husband and daughter from time to time.

If this is the same Duane Dobry you are trying to reach, I am sorry to have to be the bearer of bad tidings. He was a very good friend, and I still miss him.


Richard C. West
Kurt F. Wendt Library
215 N. Randall Ave.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706-1688
email: rcw@wendt.engr.wisc.edu or west@engr.wisc.edu

I then sent a photo of Duane Dobry to Richard West, taken from the 1962 group photo, to confirm whether we were talking about the same person. This was his response to receipt of that photo:

Dear Larry:

Yes, that is definitely Duane. Again, I am sorry to have to be the bearer of sad tidings, but thank you for the photo.


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